Around two years ago (me being long out), I was hiring for a full-time position at our company. One of the applicants turned out to be a JW, he said that he did a lot of volunteer work for his religion (read: pioneer) and could only work part-time. According to company policy, I could offer him 4 days a week/32 hours, which I did, as he was otherwise qualified.
We actually were in the negotiation process, when I asked for his current salary and what he was looking for. His current salary was slightly higher than I was able to offer, so wanting to be able to convince senior management that we needed to up our offering, I asked for a copy of his current salary slip. When I got it, it turned out to be quite a bit lower than he had stated. I called him to find out what was going on and he claimed that I must of misunderstood, the salary that he mentioned was desired salary, not his current.
We did not hire him.